In our line of business, we get to see all the latest trends and what people want to create in their homes, and right now, there are some very consistent requests!

#1: White Oak. Everyone is loving the natural hue of this gorgeous wood species! There are no reddish/orange understone, just gorgeous natural wood! All you need to do is seal them with a clear coat of polyturethane, and they are ready for display! The major downside to white oak is the cost! Currently, it is approximately $10-12/board foot. So, if you are considering white oak, just know that it can get pricey!

#2: Moody Colors. Gone are the days of white everything! We are seeing pops of color everywhere, and the moodier the better! We are seeing a lot of grays, blues, and greens!

#3: Lighting. How do you elevate the traditional built-in? Add lighting to give it that extra ambiance and elegance! One thing we are noticing is that clients are opting to NOT hardwire lighting in their built-ins! ::JAW DROP:: With so many remote controlled lightbulbs available at places like Amazon, gone is the need to hardwire it! You can simply purchase the scone or puck light, and buy rechargeable/remote controlled light bulbs! Genius!!

#4: A Mixture of Closed and Open Upper Cabinetry. Traditionally, when you think of built-ins, it was always the same recipe: closed lower cabinetry and upper open shelves OR closed lowers and closed upper. But now, we are seeing mixtures and combinations based on people’s needs! The number one need for closed uppers – storage that hides all the mess!

#5: Stained Wood Counters

Painted counters have been around since the dawn of the built—in OR monochromatic stain, where the counters match the cabinetry, and the cabinetry match the floors. But now, we are seeing clients for that added pop or warm through stained wood counters, and we are here for it! Pro Tip: upgrade to a hardwood in areas that will get lots of use, like offices or desks!

Hope this helps design the built-in of your dreams!


Kostka Family Photo
The Kostka’s

We are Tim and Heather Kostka, and we are the friendly faces behind Kasa de Kostka (KDK or the House of Kostka)!