Have a DIY enthusiast, but don’t know what to get them?? Here’s part 2 of our top 10 Christmas gifts for your DIY-er! If you missed Part 1, here’s the link to read through that list!

Having the right tools in your arsenal is half the battle in DIY. You want to make sure you have the foundational pieces to get started! From there, you can get as fancy as you want! Click the headings for shopping links!


#5: 18 Gauge Cordless Brad Nailer

A Cordless Brad Nailer is another must-have piece in your DIY tool kit! You can use this for just about anything, especially to attach one thing to another in a semi-inconspicuous way!

#4: Miter Saw & Portable Miter Saw Stand

When you’re on the jobsite, moving from place to place, making sure your tools are just as portable as you can be a game changer! So, a miter saw stand is a necessity! If you’re in an industry like us, making sure you can bring your machinery along is so helpful for any last minute changes or updates in dimensions or design. It’s also great for smaller shops – you can move it around as needed! We would definitely recommend pairing your miter saw with a portable stand!

A miter saw is probably one of the most foundational pieces to DIY. It’s where you’ll make a majority of your cuts! It’s so important to find a piece of equipment that you can rely one, and we would suggest that if anything – this is the piece that you invest in! We love our Bosch, and we also love how portable it is when we pair it with the portable miter stand. This is a trusty and reliable piece of machinery, and it’s an absolute MUST HAVE in our shop!

#3: Plunge Circular Saw Kit

This circular saw kit is great for breaking down full plywood sheets to smaller pieces that can be fine-tuned later on the table saw if needed. This can replace a table saw in its entirety if you are looking to save space inside your shop. However, it is a little bit slower than a table saw due to it’s set up time.

#2: Dust Collector

While there are several different options out there from small to large, having one is better than not having anything. Sawdust gets EVERYWHERE! For starters and newbie DIY-ers, we suggest you find a good shop vac with a dust separator. The dust separator allows the shop vac to continue to pull in air without clogging the filters.

#1: Table Saw

As your DIY-er gets more comfortable making cuts, this is the next step up! The table saw makes larger cuts that a miter can’t. If you’re building cabinetry or pieces in larger scale, this is an absolute MUST HAVE. Because of the level of danger associated with this piece of machinery, this is another area where we believe that financial investment is key. Make sure to go with a brand you trust and follow all safety precautions. We love our DeWalt!

Happy shopping, and even more, happy DIY-ing!

Tim & Heather

Kostka Family Photo
The Kostka’s

We are Tim and Heather Kostka, and we are the friendly faces behind Kasa de Kostka (KDK or the House of Kostka)!